New Castle Seniors have begun winding down their final weeks at NCHS with their Senior Exit Interviews (SEI). Newly mandated by the state, Seniors present a fifteen minute speech to faculty, assessing a student's ability to analyze, evaluate, apply, and communicate information related to their career interests, career pathway, and post high-school planning with significant knowledge and understanding.
Seniors were given twenty-minute presentation times and specific rooms to report their Exit Interviews. They each presented nine slides during their presentations, including: a welcoming Title Page, All About Me, My Learning Experience, Practical Experience, Employment Skills, Obstacles and Inspiration, Concepts Learned, Future Goals, and a Thank You slide.
Conducted very much like a job interview, teachers and staff evaluated the student's ability to captivate their audience, through visual aids and communication of their real-world learning experiences, particularly emphasizing personal reflection and career acquisition. The high school staff also gained valuable feedback from the seniors about their educational experience.
After the students' gave their presentations, the panels of teachers and staff asked questions that sparked their interest of the different topics shared; the interview mood changed into relaxed conversation, and the students spoke freely with body language in full animation.
Every twenty minutes, the classroom doors would swing open, releasing a senior into their next phase of life, and another student would shift into their presentation.
English Department Chair, Maria French, spoke very highly of her fellow English teacher and SEI Coordinator, Casie Bell, "Bell is the brainchild behind the presentations. She developed the format for the exit interviews to align with the state requirements. She has put in many long hours providing coaching and instruction for our seniors so that the exit interview process is not only a reflection of what they have learned in high school, but also a preparation for interview situations they might encounter in the future." Mercy Jumbo, Counselor, working alongside Bell, carefully scheduled the presentations, and faculty.
A four-year compilation of joy, struggles, and triumphs swept the staff with emotion. Katie Smith, Attendance Liaison, shared, “It’s truly impactful to know that regardless of the hardships these students have faced in their young lives, they still have goals and takeaways for the future! Truly puts the WHY behind what we do everyday.”
Vicki Madison, Instructional Coach, moderated 30 presentations. “My favorite part of the senior interview process is being able to hear our students articulate how much their experiences as Trojans have contributed to their confidence in making decisions about their futures.”
Amy Madden, Community Liaison, shed a few tears as students shared their personal stories. "Hearing how our students have overcome obstacles, some incredibly large, is humbling. It makes their future plans even more amazing!"
Patrick Burris, the College & Career Coach for both Juniors and Seniors, openly admonished his students, “The Senior Exit Interviews at New Castle High School have been one of the most inspiring and rewarding experiences of my professional career. It has been an absolute honor and pleasure to be included in this process, and I hope that I can continue to participate every year. As our students discussed their unique journeys through high school, including all of their successes and obstacles, I heard so many stories of perseverance, self-awareness, determination, and growth. Our seniors deserve so much credit, not just for this process, but for all of their hard-work to reach this point!
As the seniors finish their last six weeks, and move into adulthood, they will leave New Castle High School empowered with the necessary knowledge and skills to develop a lifestyle they have handpicked. The graduates will leave prepared to succeed.