As the winter sports season approaches its end, it gives us a good opportunity to look back on the past seasons, specifically Girls Basketball. The Girls Basketball program at the Middle School has made some great strides this season. The 7th and 8th grade programs currently boast identical records of 10 wins and 6 losses. This success can be attributed not only to the players, but also their coaches. These girls have been willing to buy into their skills first, a detailed system that was laid out for them. This commitment to excellence has been a driving force in their success this season. The 6th grade girls team should also be proud of their performance this year. Although they had an up-and-down season, they have continued to fight and be competitive. Some of the girls have even periodically been called upon to assist the 7th grade squad. Overall, the Girls Basketball program has made great progress forward and the girls have continued to learn and succeed.
Above: 8th Grade Team
Below: 7th Grade Team