The New Castle Middle School Drama Club started just last year and we now have two shows under our belts. We started with sixteen to nineteen kids participating, and are now up to almost thirty! This year’s show was Robin Hood, a comedic version of the famous story. We were able to put lots of effort in our show this year and we had so much fun!
Theatre is an amazing and educational outlet for all ages. In theater, we learn reading fluency, comprehension, how to read stage directions, working with a group, organization, memorization and so much more. Many students who are quiet or unsure are able to finally come out of their shell and be a new person for even just an hour a day. Drama club is welcoming and we become a family by the end of a show. We hope to continue to grow and show others the love of theater!
Keep an eye on the NCMS Facebook page for opportunities to support this amazing program!