NCMS students are benefiting from a variety of opportunities to close the academic gap in learning this semester. Through teacher interventionists, community tutors, and even student peers, NCMS students are getting extra support in reading, math and homework help. 5th hour Study Skills and Homeroom classes are partnering students with support teachers, tutors and high school buddies to help students catch up on needed skills. Free tutoring opportunities with community supporters, NCHS National Honor Society, and NCHS Educational Professions students are developing relationships with NCMS students and improving essential skills. Closing the achievement gap, through daily attendance is critical for every student.
Community businesses have reiterated the importance of a strong attendance record for career readiness. Attendance Liaison, Mrs. Katie Smith is supporting students and families with relationship building, education focused on the value of being on time, and present daily. NCMS students are provided 10 day challenge incentives, student hang outs, and prizes for students that are at school on time. If your family has questions about improving attendance for your child, please reach out to Mrs. Smith for support (